
Founded in 2019, O’Riley Office is an architecture and design firm based in Chicago committed to producing high-quality buildings that satisfy the clients’ big-picture wants and needs while maintaining attention to the smallest of details. Led by Dan O’Riley AIA, the practice leverages building information modeling (BIM) as a tool for holistic design, allowing for iteration and distillation until an appropriate building solution is found that accounts for each project’s unique program, site and context. 

O’Riley Office positions itself at the center of interdisciplinary teams by collaborating with leading experts, engineers and consultants. Viewing design as ultimately a problem-solving endeavor, the firm seeks out the crux of each project to not only solve for the client’s programmatic needs but to also address broader contextual issues, as well as issues of resource efficiency and building performance.

The firm started with Ramova Theater adaptive reuse commission in 2019. The firm has since received commissions for additional adaptive reuse and renovation projects in Chicago while also collaborating in numerous multifamily residential projects in and around Boston. The firm’s nascent portfolio now includes projects large and small, from single-family home renovations to mid-rise apartment buildings with the adaptive reuse projects in between.  

Dan O’Riley is a LEED-accredited professional, licensed in the states of Illinois and Florida, and a member of the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards.

Contact Dan here.